
Submit your Scare Saga

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By submitting your haunted experience to our website, you acknowledge and agree to the following conditions:

Ownership: You affirm that the submitted haunted experience is your original work and that you have the right to grant us permission to publish it on our website.

Consent to Publish: You grant us the non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, and worldwide right to publish your haunted experience on our website, social media platforms, and any other mediums we deem appropriate for sharing your story.

Confidentiality and Anonymity: We understand the sensitive nature of haunted experiences, and we respect your privacy. If requested, we will change the names of the characters and places mentioned in your story to protect your identity.

Editing and Moderation: We reserve the right to edit, modify, or condense your haunted experience for clarity, grammar, or length without altering the overall essence of the story. We may also moderate submissions to ensure they align with our website's content policies.

Attribution: While we respect your anonymity, we may provide attribution to acknowledge your contribution unless you specifically request otherwise. This may include using a pseudonym or initials to credit you as the author of the submitted haunted experience.

Distribution and Promotion: We may distribute and promote your haunted experience through various channels, including but not limited to our website, social media platforms, newsletters, and other promotional materials.

Non-Exclusivity: You retain the right to publish your haunted experience elsewhere, as long as it does not violate any agreements or copyrights.

Legal Responsibility: You confirm that your haunted experience is truthful to the best of your knowledge and that it does not infringe upon the rights of any third party. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless against any claims or liabilities arising from the publication of your story.