In the picturesque coastal town of Achara, located in Maharashtra’s Sindhudurg district, an extraordinary tradition unfolds every year—the age-old ritual of Gaavpalan. Over three days, the entire village is vacated, leaving behind a curious emptiness that resonates with the echoes of history, spirituality, and collective faith. For locals and intrigued outsiders alike, this practice represents […]
Author: Nilesh
The Omen: When the Devil Walks Among Us
The Omen Have you ever looked into your child’s eyes and felt a flicker of unease? The 1976 classic horror film, The Omen, explores this primal fear chillingly, weaving a narrative of domestic horror and satanic intrigue. A World Thrown into Disarray The film opens with a seemingly ordinary couple, Robert Thorn (Gregory Peck), a […]
The House of the Seven Gables: A Haunted Historical Treasure
The House of the Seven Gables stands out in particular among the many haunted places that dot the landscape of Salem, Massachusetts, a town steeped in history, mystery, and a fair share of haunted tales.With its dark history and paranormal activities, this iconic mansion has captured the imagination of locals and […]